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(Florian Lisken, Foto)

Find some of my proven training modules in the menu. I will also be happy to arrange an individual programme to suit your specific requirements.

Reach your audience

A speech is a performance. Whether you are motivating employees, winning over customers or convincing negotiating partners.

Practical exercises will train your expression and intensify your personal style. You will discover the many facets of the world of language. This will significantly expand your repertoire.

Learn to explain from unusual perspectives and create curiosity. Use creative tools to create outstanding presentations. See your content through the eyes of your audience members. A practical change of perspective will help you understand your target group much better. This is how your words reach and move your audience.



• Personal appearance and presence

• Strengthen your own style

Explain creatively

• Create curiosity, use novel perspectives

• Orientation and clarity through focused visualization

• Speak freely using core questions

The world of language

• Brilliance of words

• More facets for your content

• Expand and intensify your expression

Critical situations

• Turn stress and stage fright into action

• Know and use personal energy resources

Acting in the network of the company

How do you act in the network of your company? Can you position yourself convincingly? How well do you understand your colleagues’ intentions, and can you resolve conflicts constructively?

This training is about your personal communication. All participants bring their own case, which is developed in practical work: on the ‘stage of communication’.

How do we proceed?

1. First we analyze the situation. We identify the players, examine the context and check which communication techniques help us to develop a concept for more success

2. Then comes the practice, we work on your case with try-outs. Even in difficult situations, a pinch of humor can help to make decisive progress. Each participant has several opportunities to improve. Unlike in everyday life, we can press the ‘rewind button’ and test different procedures. Progress is made step by step.

3. The evaluation will complete your personal toolbox. You will use it to continuously develop your skills even beyond the training. By forming learning partnerships, you have the opportunity for mutual support with a colleague. You will not only learn from your case, but also from the development of others.